Bye Bye Dull Skin !! #VasuFaceSerumBlog

Stopping dark spots and completely brightening your skin instantly is not possible, but slowing them down is completely practical. R&G Essentials has made me realize what #BeautywithPurity is! This blog will let you know how it actually went. I was not at all happy with my dull skin and uneven skin tone, as I am not so different and then I came across a R&G product commercial while scrolling. I went to it’s website to learn more about the brand. R&G was providing various discounts and offers, that you will get to know in the blog. R&G provides profuse #SkinCareProducts for different skin problems and nourishment. It provides products such as #FaceSerum, #FaceCream, #FaceWash, and a lot more. After going through the product description, I decided to try R&G Face Wash and R&G Face Serum for my skin. Sharing with you some details about the product mentioned on the website and my review after using them for a month. ● ...